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Tag Archives: loading

jQuery Loading Overlay

jQuery Loading Overlay

jQuery Loading Overlay is a flexible loading overlay jQuery Plugin ...

Simple Lightbox

Simple Lightbox

Simple Lightbox - Touch-friendly image lightbox for mobile and desktop with jQuery ...

Power List menu

Power List menu

Power List Menu is a mobile centric, mult-level menu that magically transforms a nested UL into a series of slide-in panels that occupy no more space than the top level UL itself. ...

Lightweight Grid jQuery Plugin

Lightweight Grid jQuery Plugin

jsGrid is a lightweight client-side data grid control based on jQuery. It supports basic grid operations like inserting, filtering, editing, deleting, paging and sorting. jsGrid is flexible and allows to customize appearance and components. ...



jqueryIntroLoader is a jQuery plugin for generate animated Intro Loading Pages ...

esKju's LazyLoading

esKju's LazyLoading

EsKju's LazyLoading is a tool for loading content just in time in a Facebook-similar style. ...



fakeLoader.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create an animated spinner with a fullscreen loading mask to simulate the page preloading effect. ...

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